Bang Bang You're Dead
Seems like a movie scene -On a lazy and relaxed afternoon, a Theatre actor and director spots videotape titled ‘Bang Bang You’re Dead’ in a video library. She picks the tape as the name sounds interesting and it brings about a curiosity as to what the movie is all about. After watching the movie she thinks about contacting the writer of the movie, to stage the script in Bangalore as a play, something very few do, thinking it may never work! But after all, instances like these prove the world is indeed becoming a global village, a smaller place to live in. Well… that’s Puja Goyal for you, the Director of Bang Bang You’re Dead and Founder of DreamScope which is staging the play ‘Bang Bang You’re Dead for the first time in the country.
Puja is bringing nine youngsters together in the play ‘Bang Bang You’re Dead’, a play that not only tries to understand the emotional wrath, psychological conflicts in young minds, which is heightened due to the growing competition in today’s world, but also enables the young spectator watching the play realize that it’s not wrong to be different.
Quite a remarkable achievement for a young director, to take an initiative to stage an International play like ‘Bang Bang You’re Dead’ in Bangalore that is written by Hollywood writer, Mr. William Mastrosimone. He has donned various roles as the Play Author and Screen Writer for the film ‘The Beast’, he is also written the script for the film ‘With Honours’ & ‘Extremities’. With ‘Bang Bang You’re Dead’ he has donned the role of a Screen Writer and a Play Author.
Bang Bang You’re Dead is a play, written soon after the American tragedy where a student shot his fellow students in school some years ago. Considering the rising violent tendencies in young adolescents all across the world including India, the play revolves around the current trends, trying to explore some of the questions that arise in a young mind. The play also tries to explore the fact that it helps to take control of our lives and not be influenced.
Apart from being an open invitation for all the students, the entire crew of ‘Bang Bang You’re Dead’ welcomes even their parents to watch the play on December 19, 2003 at the Town hall, J.C Road at 6.30 p.m. For Free Passes, call 98452 96694 or email-
Cast: Asfaq Tapia, Nabeel, Shrikant (as Josh), Tabassum Jamil,Shrilekha Jain, Ganga, Sheena, Manish Goyal and Deepthi Adappa
Directed by Puja Goyal
Written by William Mastrosimone
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