Film and Stage Combat Workshop

DreamScope Theatre will be organizing a workshop on Film and Stage Combat In November and December, every Sunday. There are two batches between 12.00pm to 2.00pm and 3.00pm to 5.00pm in the morning and afternoon. The workshop will include fitness exercises, mixed martial arts for stage combat for theatre and film. The workshop is open to anyone between 15 years to 50 years. Only criteria is that the individual will have to be fit. Individuals with any sort of health ailments need to inform in advance.

The workshop is limited to 10 members per batch and the last date for enrollment is 31st October, 2011. For further information call: 9008410075


Months: November - December
Days: Sunday
BATCH 1: 12.00PM - 2.00PM
BATCH 2: 3.00PM - 5.00PM

Batch Limit: 10 members.

Fees: 2,500/- for 8 classes

For registration details call: 9008410075

RSVP: Enrol Combat Workshop
