The Forest
“a modern day fairy – tale about friendship in the last place on Earth.”
"Oh no, its a bird!!!
Some… some kind of new species.
It is a bird without wings I think"
- Flower
DreamScope Theatre presents an All India Premier of a modern day fairy – tale for children, THE FOREST, written and directed by Puja Goyal. This is the story of the last remains of a place called, THE FOREST. The people in the Forest, called the Foresters believe humans are extinct until they come across a little girl called Mandy who is going to her grandmother’s house. Mandy is fascinated that she can hear, feel and speak to the forest. The Forest is getting ready for the party that the FAIRIE QUEEN is throwing for them. The foresters know that the FAIRIE QUEEN will be angry after seeing her; they know that the Fairie Queen will find a solution for this thing called Mandy, the little human.
Meanwhile, a wolf is lurking around in the forest; he sees Mandy and asks her to join him in destroying what remains of the earth. She is torn between her loyalty to her own species (humans) and her new friends in the forest. The Fairies and Foresters join forces to fight the evil powers. Either the human or the foresters will survive the final battle to save the last living forest. What will Mandy do???
The play will be staged on 5th August 2012 at JSS Auditorium. It is essentially written for children and can be equally enjoyable for adults. “The forest” brings voice to a world, which is slowly getting replaced by technology and gadgets. Come and witness the world of, “The forest”, which is one whole hour of madness, dance, music, action, fantasy and fun. The stage is designed and made with recycled material, in order to make the entire production eco-friendly.
Written and Directed by Puja Goyal
Stage Manager: Anuj Kumar
Cast: Tushar Patil, Kynan D’Souza, Marion Ksing, Akshat Sharma, Vachana, Yashas, Harshita, Shraddha, Ganira, Nimisha, Namratha, and Shaarvari.
Venue: JSS Auditorium, Jayanagar 8th Block, Bangalore
Date: 5th August 2012 :: Timing: 4.30pm
Tickets denominations: Stall – 200 and 100, and Balcony – 150.